Thursday, March 1, 2007

Feb in review

I realize that my birthday post stoped just before my birthday with nothing to follow. Sorry! This is going to be a quick summary because I don't have much time.

FEB 11th - Birthday. I went and walked around the Chateau in Nantes. It had been closed for renovations for the past 12 years so there was a grand opening. After that I met a few friends in town and brought them back to my host family's house where we had champagne and the most beautiful fruit tart I have ever seen. We went out to dinner in town and I ate kangaroo! haha but seriously I did.

FEB 16th - 21st I head to Paris for a few days because we have winter vacation and my friend Chelsea is studying there. Paris was a lot of fun. It involved alot of walking, art, crepes, crypts, museums, and even a hot air balloon ride! Unfortunately, my camera got a little to into the Paris history and had its own personal revolution or strike or something. Point being, it wount take anymore pictures. I had my parents call sony (which didn't help). I sent a email to sony (which didn't help). I even took it to the camera repair store ( The monseiur said he dosen't actually repair cameras there he would send it somewhere which would take a month and another month to fix it). So I still don't know what to do about that. Let me know if you all have suggestions.

FEB 23rd - FEB 25th Chelsea came down to Nantes for a couple days. It was great to play tour guide! There was quite a full house that weekend because the grand kids and Emily the past IES student stayed there too.

FEB 26th - MAR 1st This week has been pretty uneventful. I have gotten a few really bad nights sleep, I keep waking up at night and then not waking up to my alarm. It, plus the camera fiasco, has made me rather cranky all week. This weekend we have an overnight trip to Normandy, which should be really interesting.


dad said...

Laura - Hot air balloon ride. You leave out some of these details in our conservations. Buy a camera! Love you stories and looking forward to having you as a tour guide! Love dad

jeanne said...

I am so sorry the camera is not working out. I agree with Dad. Take it to back to the camera place, have them send it in to whereever, get it fixed, and in the meantime buy a new one with the money I am transferring into your account. Then when I show up in May I will have a camera of my very own, and we will not be being deprived of our france photo fix in the meantime. Hot air balloon ride!!!??!1! I don't recall that being mentioned! Sounds like great fun! You'll have memories to tell your grandchildren! Love, mom