Monday, March 19, 2007

Je suis encore vivante!

I know my last post was a review of feburary and it is now mid march, but really the lack of frequent posts should be taken as a good sign because it means I am busy doing things and not wasting away in front of the computer, right? Ok, I will work on posting more. In the meantime here are photos from the past month or so.

This is on the beach at St. Malo on our Mont St Michel trip Feb. 10th. I practically had to drag everyone to the beach for some rock climbing... But look how much fun they're having!
left to right : Lian, Shereen, Sam, me, Meghan.

This is us in front of Mont St Michele, unfortunately I can't keep my eyes open in many of the pictures from this trip. In my defense, it was really windy.

Here we have Meghan and I on the walk up to the abbey part of Mont St Michel. The walk was, of course, lined with tourist traps, they certainly are cute though.

We have now jumped ahead in time to Saturday March 17 (aka St. Patrick's Day). My host family went skiing and said I could have some friends over, so here we are eating a classy dinner. Notice our meager attempts to wear green. Also notice that Sam looks huge because he is closer to the camera. Left : Sam, Celeste, me, Meghan, Katie, Shereen, Lian.

After that we went to a less classy but equally fun street party in front of the Irish Pub.

Moving backwards in time We now arrive at my birthday. Here Jeanne-Marie, my host mom, is bringing out the fruit tarte while my fiends are singing.

Since my camera broke I bought a new one. This is me taking a picture of it in the mirror.

Time travel to Friday March 16. It was georgeous weather so Katie and I took the ferry boat across the Loire to the cute little town there.

Moving back in time a couple of weeks, Katie and I went to a soccer game. Nantes vs Nancy. Nantes won 2-1. It is really funny because everyone wears these scarves (so of course we had to get our own). Ok everyone except that guy in the background.

This is the stadium. Nantes is yellow. The stadium is close enough to my house that we can hear the crowd celebrate.

Monday the 11th I walked along the river to go to my class at the university. For some reason I am having a boat fixation lately. Maybe the Puget Sound is calling me.

More boats! and scenic downton Nantes.

Well I hope all that time travel wasn't too difficult for you. Also if all goes well there will be more pictures this week. Coming attractions: Normandy, Paris, Nantes.


dad said...

Good Job. Also good to see you and the ever present smile. Love dad

B said...

Man, I'm glad you didn't write Back to the Future, because audiences would've been lost after all your flash-fowards and flash-backs. On the other hand, you would've worked with Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd and that would've been awesome. But then again, you weren't even born yet, so that mighta made things a bit challenging for everyone involved.
... So, in conclusion, I wouldn't change the way things happened, even if I could.
Miss me? [wink]