Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I'm Here!!

Well, everyone will be happy to know that I have arrived safely in Nantes. You may be less happy to know (because I cetainly am) that my luggage did not arrive safely in Nantes. The airport will call and ship it to me when they find it, hopefully soon. Aside from that everything is fine. We are going to our orientation in Tours tomorrow. I have yet to meet my host family, but the IES center (where I will take most of my classes) looks cool. It is in this creaky old buliding with a lot of character and the smallest elevator ever.

I will write more when there is more to say, but for now rest easily knowing I am safe.
Love to all,


dad said...

Laura - Glad to hear (read) you are there and fine. Sorry your bags ran off to meet someone else. Hope they get captured and returned soon. Love ya. dad

jeanne said...

Your father has been tracking your plane across the US and Atlantic on its way to Paris (and you thought I was bad!), so we knew the little dot got there. Hope your bags show up soon... Orientation in Tours- a tour in Tours, is that where the term originated?? That's the Loire Valley!!! Check out the Chateaus in the area. Eagerly awaiting the next update! love, mom