Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Hi Everyone,
I haven't written in a while because we went on our weekend trip to Tours and it is a little tricky to get internet. So here are some updates:
1. My luggage finally caught up to me on Sunday so I am able to wear my own clothes again. My host mom had loaned me some of her son's clothing and washed the clothes I wore on the plane.
2. My host family is really nice, they have been host parents for a few years now so they know how everything works, even if I don't. Right now, its just the parents (Jeanne-Marie and Alain) and I, but assuming that I understand what is happening, one of the past study abroad students is coming to stay with them as well because she is working at the school nearby. They have a daughter who is studying in England and a son who used to play professional soccer but now I don't know what he does.
3. The keyboards in France are just a little bit different than in the US. Similiar enough that you forget about it when you are typing, but different enough that you keep making mistakes like typing a 'q' when you want an 'a'.
4. The public transport system is really good here so I take the tram from the house to the downtown and walk to the school building each morning. We don't sign up for classes until Friday so this week is more orientation and language.
5. I have a ton of pictures of the chateaux that we visited over the weekend but they are on my camera still. I will post some here as soon as I can.
6. I miss you all!
7. I was unable to say goodbye to all the people that I wanted to, especially everyone from work! So someone should pass on the message that I didn't mean to skip the country without saying goodbye, I love and miss everyone immensely.


Unknown said...

Nous vous aimons aussi! Il a neigé encore la nuit passée. Six centimètres supplémentaires!

dad said...

Good Day Laura! I'm practicing for my visit. I know Hi is out. Howdy is probably out also. I'm not a Hello person, so is good day ok? If yes how do you say it? So as always GREAT to hear from you. As always miss you, but know you will have a great time and experience. On the local Shelton front....News....No real news in Shelton....Sports...Shelton Youth Soccer is potentially merging with South Mason for one club in Shelton. Only 5 years in the discussion process....Weather... Snow again! Another 1" or so. Closed schools, made driving hard for most, etc. Just gald to know you are fine. Good luck with class selection and say Good Day to your house parents for me. Love ya. dad

dad said...

Laura - Are you checking your ups email? dad

B said...

Laura! I love that you numbered your updates. Aside from the luggage lameness (boo to that!) it sounds like things are going well for you which super awesome. I should really get a microphone headset thing so I can talk to you on... um that service I can't remember how to spell at the moment. Did you know that I talked to you twice as much as any other single person on my cell phone last month!?! Crazy! Point being, I miss talking to you. But I am glad that I wasn't one of the ones who didn't get a goodbye before you left. Yay for last-minute hangouts in Dupont! Keep having a great time over there, or I will fly over there and k some a.