So here are some pictures of my Italy trip. Since it is taking a ridiculously long time to put up pictures again, you only get a small sampling of the literally hundreds of pictures that I took.
First stop was Milan, which most of the se pictures are going to be from because I started at the beginning and quickly got annoyed and ran out of time. This is in front of The Victor Emanuel II Galleries which is apparently where everyone got the idea for the indoor mall. It now houses fancy designer stores. If you were to turn to the right you would see the Duomo, a big fancy church.
We later met some Italian guys who were really nice. We ate pizza with them and then they showed us around a bit. Here we are in front of the soccer stadium. It was the largest sports stadium I have ever seen.
These two pictures are of inside the Doumo .
After Milan we headed over to Rome complete with crumbling riuns and everything.
This is the view out the window of our hostel. It was pretty sweet. Yes, that is the ocean there in the background. Sorry it's sideways, the computer and I don't seem to be getting along.
After venice we went to Pisa where I met Shereen, Lian and Itay. We all toured around Pisa and searched for the leaning tower, which was a lot harder than you would think.
We went from Pisa to Lucca where we found the house of Itay's parents. We also went to a restaurant in the middle of nowhere that was delicious. It apparently specilized in mushrooms and I had a pizza that arrived covered in crazy looking mushrooms. It was a bit scary but good. Which is really a big step for all those who know my previous aversions to all things mushroom-y.
It the next couple of days we went to a cave and went hiking. The weather was amazing!
I know that if I don't post this right now, I will jsut save it and it will never get posted, so that is all for now, but look for more soon and I will try to keep you up to date on what has been happening lately.
Also, don't worry about and news you hear about rioting french people. They get cranky about things and like to go into the street and yell about it.